The 10-Day Unstuck Yourself Challenge

Will you accept my challenge and change your life?

What would your life look like if you actually did what you knew you needed to do to accomplish your biggest dreams? 

If you've ever felt like you weren't reaching your full potential, almost as if there is an invisible force field holding you back from accomplishing your biggest dreams and stopping you from living the life you've always desired, then this newsletter is for you. 

Do you ever feel like you know what to do, but can’t seem to do it?

At least consistently?

Then you’re in the right place.

If you’re like most people - myself for a longer time than I care to admit - you struggle to put the information you learn into action.

You read books, listen to podcasts, and even hire business or life coaches, yet remain stuck.

  • Trapped.

  • Paralyzed.

  • Spinning your wheels.

Along for the ride that is the rollercoaster of self-sabotage: two steps forward and three steps back.

If you relate to the above, you don’t have an information or technical problem.

You have a mindset problem.

The 10-Day Unstuck Yourself Challenge is intended to help you understand where, why, and how you’re stuck while also empowering you with the awareness, tools, and strategies essential to get unstuck so you can unlock your full potential.

Whether you’re trying to unstuck yourself from negative health, money, career, or relationship patterns, the 10-Day Unstuck Yourself Challenge is for you.

My Challenge to You…

My challenge to you is simple.


I challenge you to commit to…

  • Owning the excuses, beliefs, and stories keeping you playing small and feeling stuck.

  • Sitting with the discomfort that comes with confronting each of these excuses, beliefs, and stories head-on.

  • Letting go of the collection of emotions, beliefs, and stories no longer serving you (so that you can make room for those that do).

  • Taking control of the trajectory of your life.

  • Clarifying and consistently working toward your full potential.

I challenge you to commit to taking action toward your full potential for 30 minutes each day for 10 consecutive days. 

If you accept this challenge, I’ll help you follow through on each aspect (and so will dozens of other Challenge Members) so that you can get out of your own way and unlock your full potential. 

Change in this world is the one guarantee.

If you commit to this challenge, I’ll teach you how to navigate the constant change in life while feeling confident and in control every step of the way. 

And I’ll show you how to do that in just 10 days.

I created the 10-Day Unstuck Yourself Challenge to help you get out of your own way and unlock your full potential.

Will you accept my challenge and join me?

How it Works

The challenge kicks off on Monday, March 4th, 2024, and runs for 10 days.

When you enroll in the challenge, you’ll get access to the private Challenge-Participants Only Facebook Group, where all the action will take place.

Each day there will be a mix of video training, audio training, exercises, and action steps, specifically designed to build upon each other to create massive momentum toward getting unstuck and unlocking your full potential.

Along the way, you’ll have a team of other challenge participants, all with similar big goals and ambitions, cheering you on and helping you to stay on track.

What You Can Expect

Uncover Why You’re Stuck (And How You Got Here)

  • The stuckness you currently feel is the result of a pattern of self-sabotage designed to keep you safe. I’ll help you uncover the origin of this sabotaging pattern so that you can begin to unlearn the beliefs, stories, and habits keeping you suck in this cycle.

  • What if I told you that you’re not actually stuck, rather, you’re afraid? I’ll help you uncover the core fear behind your stuck feeling and help you understand why this fear exists and how to overcome it. 

Learn How to Get UNSTUCK

  • Do you know who you are without this perpetual pattern of self-sabotage? What does life look and feel like without the part of you that sabotages your success? I’ll help you gain clarity in your answers to these key questions - and more - so you can prepare to step into this unstuck version of yourself.

  • Once you’re clear on exactly who you are when you’re no longer stuck, and we’ve knocked down the roadblocks holding you back from your best, we’ll knock down one major domino after the next to pave a path toward your full potential. 

Build Your Unstuck Yourself Toolkit

  • Once you’ve identified and released the collection of saboteurs keeping you stuck, and begun to make momentum toward your full potential, it’s essential that you continuously work to maintain your momentum and reinforce your upgraded beliefs, stories, and habits. 

  • To finish off the challenge, I'll reach into my toolkit and share some of my most effective mindset and performance strategies to ensure you remain unphased by the challenges life throws your way and committed to the pursuit of your full potential.

  • I’ll teach you how to not only maintain energy and focus but how to troubleshoot expected and unexpected challenges so you can consistently take action and move forward.

What’s Included

  • Daily live training, guidance, and Q&A with a Mindset and Performance Coach with 15+ years of coaching experience.

  • Daily worksheets and action steps to help you take action on what you discover and unlock.

  • Exclusive guided hypnosis recording audios to help you release old beliefs and integrate new ones.

  • Accountability and Community to help you stay on track and finish the challenge strong.

  • Confidence that you’re taking consistent action toward your full potential.

  • Massive momentum toward being, doing, and achieving more.

This is For YOU If…

You feel STUCK.

Trapped in a loveless (and sexless) relationship or marriage.

Spinning your wheels trying to pay off your credit card and stay out of debt. 

Running in place trying to earn that promotion and raise at work.

Stuck in a cycle of losing and regaining the same 20 pounds. 

Paralyzed (in a state of indecision and inaction) trying to leave your job and strike out on your own as an entrepreneur and business owner. 

Held hostage by a collection of beliefs, stories, and excuses you can’t seem to shake.

Like you’re fighting the resistance of an invisible gravitational force preventing you from being more, doing more, earning more, and achieving more!

If you’re ready to…

  • Release the vice-like grip of negative emotions holding you back from achieving your full potential…

  • Let go of the stories, beliefs, and excuses keeping you stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage…

  • Step into a state of confidence, purpose, and clarity…

  • Courageously and consistently take action toward your biggest dreams…

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the challenge begin?

The challenge kicks off on Monday, March 4, and concludes on Wednesday, March 13.

What time are the live trainings?

The live trainings rotate through different times daily to cater to as many time zones as possible. You’ll be added to the calendar invite to have the chance to add to both your personal and work calendars.

All times shown below are in Eastern.

  1. Monday, March 4: 11:00 AM

  2. Tuesday, March 5: 1:00 PM

  3. Wednesday, March 6: 4:00 PM

  4. Thursday, March 7: 9:00 AM

  5. Friday, March 8: 11:00 AM

  6. Saturday, March 9: 10:00 AM

  7. Sunday, March 10: 5:00 PM

  8. Monday, March 11: 11:00 AM

  9. Tuesday, March 12: 4:00 PM

  10. Wednesday, March 13: 8:00 PM

How do I access the live training and exercises?

You’ll receive access to each live training via both the private Unstuck Yourself Challenge Facebook Group and our private Google Drive Folder.

Once you join the challenge, access to each will be granted.

Will I have access to the live training replays?

Yes! Each live training will be recorded and stored in our shared Google Drive folder. You’ll have access to all replays and materials until March 27, 2024.

How long will I have access to the Challenge Facebook Group and Google Drive material?

You’ll have access to all replays and materials until March 27, 2024.

Why the limited access?

To ensure you take action promptly to get the most out of this challenge! 

Your Next Step

Join me and other like-minded high-performers on a 10-day transformational journey!

You can’t change unless you change.

Thank you for reading this week’s newsletter.

Interested in learning more about how I help high-performers just like you unstuck themselves and unlock their full potential?

Apply to work with me and schedule a coaching discovery call here

You may catch up on previous newsletters here

Subscribe and listen to The Unstuck Yourself Podcast here.

If you have a question about anything I discussed in this week’s Unstuck Newsletter, please message me on Twitter (@pauljsalter7) or Instagram (@paulsaltercoaching).

My email inbox is always open, too: [email protected]

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